*WOD FOR WARRIORS* As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 minutes of: 11 Ground to Overhead (95/65) 11 Bar Facing Burpees 12 20#/16# Med Ball Toss (10′) 22 Double Unders 7 Hand Stand Push-ups 11/11/12 signifies this year’s Veteran’s Day, the day set aside by Congress to “celebrate the service of our Nation’s veterans”, the 22 double unders and 7 Handstand Pushups represent the 22.7 million living veterans we aim to serve!
Situation: A divide exists between military veterans and the civilian community. With the fighting force consisting of only 1% of the country’s population, that divide is growing. This fact is damaging to Veterans as they attempt to reconcile their lives as they exit the military, and face a population that many times does not understand their experience. Team RWB, and WOD for Warriors, aims to bridge that divide. REMINDER: We will only be having 2 classes today: 8:30am and 4:30pm