For Time: (15min cap)
5 rounds of:
10 Thrusters 95/65. MRX and ages 14-15. 65/45
10 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups MRX Chin Over Bar Pull-Ups
rest 1 minute
5 rounds of:
7 Thrusters. 135/95. MRX and ages 14-15. 95/65
7 Bar Muscle-Ups. MRX Chest To Bar Pull-Up
Scaled Ages 16-54: 65/45, Jumping Chest To Bar THEN 95/65, Chin Over Bar Pull-Ups
Scaled Ages 55+: 45/35, Jumping Chest To Bar THEN 65/55, Chin Over Bar Pull-Ups
6 Rounds For Time: (40min cap)
8 Left Arm DB Hang Clean & Jerk 50/35 MRX 35/20
8 Lateral Over the Dumbbell Burpees
8 Right Arm DB Hang Clean & Jerk
200m Run
8 DB Step-ups, alternating 24″/20″ MRX 20″/18″
8 Box Jumps
rest 1 minute between rounds
24.3 – 107 rx
Happy this is over.
27:09 Scaled (forgot to alternate the DB step ups
, everything else Rx)
3/15/23: 135 reps (7+7) / 8:02 tie break
3/18/23: 139 reps (7+11) / 7:21 tie break
24.3 121 Rx
Bekah! Flying high and looking perfect on those double unders! This woman is graceful and STRONG! She always has the best attitude and has the most fun throwing down with her mom! It’s always fun to watch Bekah hit a huge lift and then the dance celebration to follow! Keep bringing the fun!!
23:33 Rx
Yesterday’s workout:
A1: 4+8, RX (Run – 3:37)
A2: 3 even, RX (Run – 4:11)
A3: 3+4, RX (Run – 4:37)
25:12 rx