WOD: A. Thruster: 6 – 4 – 2 – 1/2 – max reps E2:30MOM B. For Time: 14 thrusters 95/65 or 75/55 8 OH lunges (alternating/stationary) 95/65 or 75/55 4 rope climb 15′ (55 and over 4 rope climbs 10′) 12 thrusters 95/65 or 75/55 6 OH lunges (alternating/stationary) 95/65 or 75/55 3 rope climb 15′ (55 and over 4 rope climbs 10′) 10 thrusters 95/65 or 75/55 4 OH lunges (alternating/stationary) 95/65 or 75/55 2 rope climb 15′ (55 and over 4 rope climbs 10′) 8 thrusters 95/65 or 75/55 2 OH lunges (alternating/stationary) 95/65 or 75/55 1 rope climb 15′ (55 and over 4 rope climbs 10′) C. Core & Grip Development: 1-2 rounds not for time of: 50 sit-ups (weighted or GHD) 10 toes to rope then 10 toes to bar 200m farmers walk or plate grip carry, heavy