Open WOD 13.2
10min AMRAP:
5 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75lbs MRX 95/55
10 Deadlifts
15 Box Jumps/Step-Ups 24/20” MRX 20”
*Start Immediately after 13.2*
Workout 13.2db
8min AMRAP:
Complete the Complex For Max Load
3 Deadlifts to
2 Hang Cleans (power or squat) to
1 Shoulder to Overhead
*compare to 7 Feb 22*
Shoulder, Core & Grip Development
100m Double KB/DB Overhead Walk
25 DB/KB Curls
25 KB/DB See Saw Press
25 Reverse Hypers or Good Mornings
25 Plate Pinch Curls to Press

My favorite person 😍👯♀️
Mel Mel😍
Mel Mel 😍
A1. 7+19 rx
A2. 205-225-235
B. Sorta Complete
Sign Up for The Open
A. 8+3 Rx
B. 205
There mama go! Ain’t nothing she can’t do. Champ love you 😘.
7+22 rx & 255 (270x)
2/7/22: 7+25 rx & 260
Melissa on top of the world! Lookin good Melissa! She works hard and she’s hard on herself. Mel only counts the good reps, cares about doing right, and she’s been that way since day one. She’s almost always got her homegirls around to make the WOD better and enjoys the camaraderie as much as anything. Keep reppin!
A: 7+8 Rx
B: 230-240
7+24 rx
205-235-255# complex
A. 9 + 25 rx
B. 230
We CLOSED for The OPEN CFHSV! Get ya mind right cause we gonna have some fun, go hard, and make memories! Let’s sign up, show up, and act up baby!
A. 10+3 (RX)
B. 200
Love this strong, hard working momma! I’ve admired her engine and strength for many years as she makes it look easy. Way to go Melissa!
A. 10 RX
B. 170
10+1 Rx
Melissa showing off looking good! This is one strong lady, and she has proven that year after year in more ways than one. She does things the right way, holds herself to the highest standard, and is her toughest critic. Melissa is a well-rounded athlete, and she has worked incredibly hard to improve and maintain all aspects of her fitness. A total CrossFit stud, a devoted and loving mom, and a friend to many! Way to be, lady ☺️
A. 10+23 RX
B. 180
8+10 rx
8+15 rx
Melissa ain’t one to play with! Y’all girls better watch out for her on the open leaderboard!
A. 8+ 20 (RX) Step Ups
B. 290 ( Missed Jerk @ 300)
Mel!!! One of the baddest in the box!! 💪🏼
A. 8+8
B. 185
A. 7 Rounds (Master’s Division)
B. 225 – 235
10 RX
A. 9+16 Rx
B. 195