WOD: A. EMOM Activator for 6 minutes: 1st minute: 30 seconds over the bar burpees, bar facing 2nd minute: 30 seconds hang muscle cleans 45/35 or 65/45 or 75/55 3rd minute: 30 seconds front squats 45/35 or 65/45 or 75/55 repeat B. Cluster Ladder: 1 squat clean to 1 hang squat clean to 1 front squat: 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 E3MOM C. 8 Minute Ascending AMRAP of: 1 squat clean 155/105 RX+ 185/125 (MRX 115/75) 2 over the bar burpees, bar facing 2 squat clean 155/105 RX+ 185/125 (MRX 115/75) 4 over the bar burpees, bar facing 3 squat clean 155/105 RX+ 185/125 (MRX 115/75) 6 over the bar burpees, bar facing… *continue pattern until time expires*