Warm-up: 250 Meter row 2 Rounds: 10 Kettlebell swings 5 Kettlebell push ups 5 Kettlebell goblet squats Workout: A. 5 TnG Hang Power Clean + 1 Thruster -Spend 10 Minutes working up to the heaviest possible single. B. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds for time: Unbroken Kettlebell swings, 32/24 Kilograms Unbroken abmat sit ups Powerlifting: A1. Front Squat 5 x 4-5 reps @30×0; Rest 3:00 A2. EROM HSPU 5 x 3-5 reps @50×0; Rest 3:00 B1. Russian Step ups 3 x 8-10 reps @11×1; Rest 1:00 B2. Strict Toes 2 Bar 3 x 10 reps; Rest 1:00 “Killing The Fat Man: Episode 3” with Gary Roberts, free CrossFit Journalvideo [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]