Warm up: 400m run or 500m row 50 single unders 2 burpees 40 single unders 4 burpees 30 single unders 6 burpees 20 single unders 8 burpees WOD: A. 10 minutes to establish: a max weight CTB pull up, or a max weight pull up, or max reps strict pull ups, or max reps kipping pull ups B. 50-35-20 reps of: WBS 20/14 Pull ups Double unders Powerlifting: A. bench press 1×3 @65%, 1×3 @75%, 1 x max reps @80%, rest 3 minutes between B. snatch and clean & jerk 3×3 @90%, rest 3minutes between C1. 3×10 strict DB press, rest 30seconds C2. 3×10 reverse hypers, rest 30seconds