Run/Row 200m or 0.5k Bike x 8min E2MOM
(score is slowest time of the 4)
6min AMRAP:
Buy In: 600m Run/Row or 1.5k Bike
24 WallBall Shots 20/14lbs to 10/9’ MRX 20/10 to 9’
Max Muscle-Ups MRX Chest to Bar
REST 2min
4min AMRAP:
Buy In: 400m Run/Row or 1k Bike
18 WallBall Shots
Max Muscle Ups MRX Chest to Bar
REST 2min
2min AMRAP:
Buy In: 200m Run/Row or 2k Bike
12 WallBall Shots
Max Muscle-Ups MRX Chest to Bar
Abby looking cool, calm and collected! This lady is as good as gold, and I can confidently say she’s been that way a long time because I’ve know her since she was a little girl. I loved having her as a little dancer back in the day, and I love seeing her now as a hard working CrossFitter. Abby is generous, thoughtful, and always fun to talk to. Proud of her consistent effort to show up and keep putting in the work. 💪🏽💛
a) :45 (:45, :43, :40, :43)
b) 17 Rx 🏃♂️ (7, 6, 4)
A. :44, :44, :42, :42
B. 22 (12-7-3)
Row and BMU
.5k bike e2mom x 4: :46s across
21 rmu rx (bike) (11-6-4)
200m Row – :35/:36/:35/:36
34 Rx Row (16/12/6)
Abby the ultimate cheerleader. WODs wouldn’t be the same without ya!
Yesterday’s Thruster Workout –
A: Thrusters: 65(16)-95(10)-115(8)-135(3)-165(4)-185(2)-215(1)
B: 13:18, RX (Run/95#)
Splits – 2:30/2:34/2:38/2:36
Nothing can keep this one out of the Ville, throwing down and yelling at people to go harder. 2 broken wings, flying circles around folks.
row: :38, :37, :37, :37
28 rx (14-9-5 rmu)
:35 across row
36 rx (19,11,6)
A: bike 37-37-37-36
B: 17+11+5=33 C2B