EMOM Activator for 5min
Empty Barbell or 25% or less 1RM
1 Snatch High Pull to 1 Hang Power Snatch to 1 Overhead Squat to 1 Snatch Balance or Drop
Squat Snatch Build-up E2MOM
1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1
14min AMRAP:
7 Muscle Ups (bar or ring) MRX 7 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
14 Calorie Row/Bike or 300m Run
7 Squat Snatch 95/65 RX+135/95 MRX 75/55
Core & Snatch Development
28 Right Knee to Left Elbow Plank Tucks
21 GHD Sit-Ups
28 Left Knee to Right Elbow Plank Tucks
14 Fingertip Push-up
7 Strict Toes to Bar
1 min Bar Hang Snatch Width Grip
That’s my Sug right there! Seeing you pour your heart into CrossFit day after day is incredibly inspiring. Your unwavering dedication to becoming the best version of yourself in the gym mirrors the love and commitment you show as a husband and father at home. Your constant drive to improve doesn’t just impact your fitness journey; it sets an incredible example for our family. I am so proud to walk beside you and witness the incredible person you are, both in and out of the gym. Your determination and passion are just a few of the many reasons why I love you :-). So proud of you my love
3+4 Scaled
95 lb, Half MU/Half C2B, Run
A) 105-125-155-165-180-190
B) 2+4 Rx (Rings)
A. 95-115-135-155-165-175-185(x)
B. 3+22 scaled life (🏃♂️ c2b)
C. 🎒
Lupo!!! Looking strong!!! Always working hard to better his CrossFit Skills. What I love about him most is that he is always encouraging, has a smile to greet you, and is a loyal friend. Keep up the awesome work Lupo!!
Activation: 75-85-95-105-115
Snatch: 145-160-175-190-205
3+2 rx+ (row)
rmu & row
‘Loop’ locked out and in his zone. Lupo is one of a kind and a total gentleman in the gym. He’s continually improving in strength, skill, and score. Hes grown through consistent work with an easy attitude that everyone appreciates. Always good to have Lupo in the gym…keep ballin bro!
A. 170
B. 3 + 21 rx+ ( row, ring MUs )
A: 🙂
B: 4+3 MRx scale with bike
C: complete
3+5 rx+ row
Lupo consistently shows up calm, cool, and collected; but don’t let that fool you, he knows how to get mean when the WOD calls for it. Always glad to see you walk through the door!
200 SS
5+1 Rx+ (row/RMU)
227 PR
4+25 rx+
Had no choice but to PR with Lupo since he’s the model of the day. He beats me every workout with a smile on his face and his ego in check. Get you a training partner like Lupo
135-155-175-185-195-205 squat cleans
4+2 bar mu row scaled to squat cleans
Wifey hit me right in my feels. I hope everyone is lucky enough to find a partner that supports your goals and life like she does me. I wouldn’t and couldn’t ask for a better community and group of people to spend my afternoons with! I’m constantly grateful for the mentorship and examples that are spread daily by some that know and some that don’t! Thank yall, I love me some CFHSV!
205 PR along with my man Adam
4+7 rx+ (bmu, row)
145 PR (questionable squat snatch but still a snatch PR)
3+14 RX+
That man Lupo showing out like usual! Man is a stud and can throw down in a WOD! He always puts in the work and it definitely shows. Keep it up big dawg!
A. 230 ( missed 240)
B. 4 + 20 RX+ (Row)
A. 160
B. 3+5 Rx (RMU, row)
Lupo is one heck of a guy and it’s no doubt why everyone he meets loves him. He’s easy, down to Earth, kind, and friendly. He’s put in consistent effort to improve in all areas of his fitness, and he is constantly raising his own bar with new PRs, improved skills, and impressive scores. He’s the kind of athlete who is not only fun to coach, but one you are always rooting for as well. Thanks for making CFHSV home, dude. Wouldn’t be the same without you.
A. 135
B. 3+19 RX+ (ring MU, row)
Lupo doesn’t quit. I watch this man single handedly take the gym muscle up leaderboard with nothing but shear determination and the will to carry on. Not to mention it was not on a speal bar
185-205-215-230-245-255 (PR)
5+1 Rx+ rmu row
Lupo doesn’t quit. I watched this dude crush the muscle up leaderboard with nothing but shear determination and will.
185-205-215-230-245-255 (PR)
5+1 Rx+ rmu row