TEAM Chipper WOD
For Time: (35min cap)
100 Kettlebell Swings (1 Swings, 1 holds Kettlebell Goblet Squat)
80 Barbell Push-Ups (both in plank alternating reps)
60 Deadlifts (1 Deadlifts, 1 holds Barbell at top)
40 Wallball Sit-Ups (partner passing over barbell)
20 Burpee Toes to Bar (1 works, 1 hangs on bar )
10 Ground to Overhead (1 works reps, 1 holds Barbell in Front Rack)
5 Rope Climbs (1 Climbs, 1 holds High Plank)
1k Row (1 Rows, 1 holds Barbell Overhead)
Loads = 135/95 RX+155/105 MRX 95/65
Wallball Sit-ups = 20/14lbs MRX 20/10lbs
*Compare to Jan 25, 2023; Jan 28, 2022*
Guns & Flexibility Development
2×20 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Curls
20sec each Stretch (Straddle, Couch Stretch, Scorpion, Lowerback/trunk Twist, Splits)
2×20 Barbell Curls
20sec each Stretch (Straddle, Couch Stretch, Scorpion, Lowerback/trunk Twist, Splits)
2×20 Plate Steering Wheel/Hammer Curls
Lawrie! Super strong athlete even better friend!!!
A. 28:05 rx+ w/ Michael (I slowed team down on pu)
B. 🎒
14:13 Rx+ solo
23:37 rx+ with Alex & Nathaniel
1/25/23: 25:44 rx+ with JaMo
1/28/22: 22:28 rx+ with Bradley
1/28/20: 23:24 scaled (w/ muscle ups instead of rope climbs) with Duke
Thanks for the push, dudes!
25:23 with the vanilla gorilla
19:37 RX+ with Sean Don
Lawrie taking a well deserved break after a tough WOD. This lady is full of positive energy, and she works incredibly hard from the word go. She’s friendly, thoughtful, and always encouraging to others. Keep up the hard work, Lawrie!