Sumo Deadlifts & Deadlifts (Alternate Lifts) E2MOM
10 Sumo Deadlifts – 8 Deadlifts
6 Sumo Deadlifts – 4 Deadlifts
2 Sumo Deadlifts – 1 Deadlift
5 Rounds For Time: (20min cap)
5 Sumo Deadlifts
5 Burpee Box Jumps
5 Deadlifts
10 Box Jumps 24/20” RX+30/24” MRX 20/18”
1 Rope Climb 15’ RX+ Legless MRX 10’ OR 10 Pull-ups MRX 10 Ring Rows
REST 1min after each Round
Barbell Weights = 275/185lbs RX+315/215 MRX 185/125
Core & Flexibility Development
2×10 Evil Wheels
1min Head to Floor Straddle Stretch
2×10 GHD Sit-ups
1min Butterfly Stretch
2×10 Kettlebell PullOver Sit-Up to Press
1min Couch Stretch or Modified Couch
2×10 Hip Extensions
REMINDER: CFHSV will be hosting The Gymnastics Course this weekend! We will have one class only on Saturday 1/4 at 7am. We will not have childcare. All classes cancelled on Sunday 1/5.
A. 185-225-275-315-345-365
B. 18:30? scaled life (rr)
C. Complete
17:19 rx pullups
Training, building up to WOD weight
14:32 Rx+
15:07 rx+
15:17 RX+
13:57 mrx rope climb
Did regular deadlifts
Claud 16:39 RX+
Lewis 19:45 RX+
14:54 rx+
14:29 rx
A. 125-175-215-265-305-355
B. 11:40 Rx
14:30 – MRx wgt / ring rows, but scaled to all step ups.