Power Clean to Hang Clean Build-up E2MOM
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Team WOD
18min AMRAP:
P1 – 6 Power Cleans / P2 – 12 Hang Cleans
P1 & P2 – 12 Alternating Box Jump Overs
P2 – 6 Power Clean / P1 – 12 Hang Clean
P1 – 18 Calorie Row or Bike / P2 – 300m Run
Barbell = 135/95lbs RX+185/125 MRX 95/65
Box Heights = 24/20″ RX+ 30/24″ MRX 20/18″
Team Core Development
10 Partner Facing Push-up Alternating High Five
1min Partner Back to Back Squat Hold
40 Synchronized 2 count Flutter Kicks
20 Partner Cross Hand Hold Synchronized Squat
20 High Plank Partner Alternating High Five
2+47rx with the wife, Nicole
A. 155-175-195-215-225-245-255
B. 4+59 rx w/ Michael S
Mac daddy 🫡
1/3: 135-175
1/2: 215-235
1/1: 245-255-265
Imma say 5 rx with Matrice (row/run, 24” box)
5 + 48 rx with my dude Mo….he tried to kill me
5+14 Solo
5+4rx with mandee and will
4+60 rx with Matt G
4+30 scaled with Kohana
A. 115-145-175-195-215
B. 4+19 Scaled (single ran each round)
A. 205
B. 4+17 RX solo
5+50rx with Cherokee
A. 185
B. 5+33 RX+ w/sean