WOD:“800m Sandwich Chipper” 800m run 30 shoulder to overhead 95/65 50 ab-mat unanchored sit-ups 30 sumo deadlift high pull 95/65 50 hand release push-ups 30 pull-ups 50 KBS 24kg/16kg 800m run
WOD:“800m Sandwich Chipper” 800m run 30 shoulder to overhead 95/65 50 ab-mat unanchored sit-ups 30 sumo deadlift high pull 95/65 50 hand release push-ups 30 pull-ups 50 KBS 24kg/16kg 800m run
3050 Leeman Ferry Rd, Huntsville, Alabama 35801
(256) 408-5990
3050 Leeman Ferry Rd, Huntsville, Alabama 35801
(256) 408-5990