Based On Open WOD 20.3
For Time: (*21min cap*)
21 Deadlifts 225/155lbs MRX 185/125lbs
21 Handstand Push-Ups MRX Double Dumbbell Push Press 35/20
15 Deadlifts
15 Handstand Push-Ups MRX Dumbbell Push Press
9 Deadlifts
9 Handstand Push-Ups MRX Dumbbell Push Press
21 Deadlifts **315/205lbs MRX 255/165lbs**
50’ Handstand Walk MRX 10 HSPU
15 Deadlifts
50’ Handstand Walk MRX 10 HSPU
9 Deadlifts
50’ Handstand Walk MRX 10 HSPU
Core & Shoulder Accessory Training
10 Turkish Get-Ups Left Arm
20 Back Extensions or Reverse Hypers
10 Turkish Get-Ups Right Arm
20 Hip Extensions
The OPEN kicks off Thursday, Feburary 24th with the release of 22.1, the first Open WOD! Join hundreds of thousand other CrossFitters around the world and get signed up today! Choose CrossFit Huntsville as your affiliate, and get ready to throw down CFHSV style!
Learn more about the Open here!