“The Kitchen Sink” by DB For Time: 2 Rounds of Cindy: 5 Pull-ups – 10 Push ups – 15 Air Squats 35 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull 24/16 RX+ 30/24 MRX 20/12 Run 400m 2 Rounds: 5 Squat Clean Thrusters/Shoulder to Overhead & 10 Dips RX+ ring strict RX/MRX bar/kip 35 Russian Kettlebell Swings ROW 400m 2 Rounds: 15 DeadLifts & 10 Toes to Bar 35 Kettlebell Swings 100 Double-unders 2 Rounds: 15 Handstand Push-Ups or 5 Wallwalks & 5 Overhead Squats 35 Military Sit-ups (anchored) RX+ GHD Run or ROW 400m or 1km Assault Bike 2 Rounds: 2 Rope Climbs 15′ MRX 10′ & 15/10 Barbell Push-ups MRX Hand Release Push-Up **Barbell Loads 115/75 RX+ 135/95 MRX 95/65**