Click here for WOD brief!
Back Squat EMOM
8@70% – 4 @80% – 2@85% – 1@90% – Max Reps@80%
For Time: (15min cap)
30 Overhead Lunges (alt legs) 95/65 RX+ 115/75 MRX 75/55
30 Pull-Ups RX+ Strict
Add Weight
20 Front Squats 135/95 RX+ 165/115 MRX 95/65
20 Chest to Bar
Add Weight
10 Back Squats 165/115 RX+205/135 MRX 135/95
10 Muscle Ups (Bar or Ring) MRX Burpee Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Flexibility and Pistol Development
2x30sec Couch Stretch or Modified Couch
10 Pistols (each leg) or 10 Pistol Build Ups
2x30sec Head to Floor Straddle Stretch
10 Pistol Progressions (each leg)
2x 30sec Pigeon/Swan/Piriformis Stretch
10 Pistols (each leg) or 10 Pistol Build Ups
Click here for Home WOD brief, movement demonstrations and warm-up!
Home WOD
For Time:
35 Overhead Alternating Lunges
35 Rows / Chair Rows
25 Front Squats
25 Rows / Chair Rows
15 Back Squats
15 Double Push-up Burpees
In accordance with the recent mandates set forth by the Alabama Governor, CrossFit Huntsville will be closed through April 30th.
Monday – Friday: 6am, 11:30am, and 5:30pm!
Saturdays: 9am
Check your email for all the details!