WOD: A. Overhead Training: 0:00 minute mark: Build up to a 1RM strict press 4:00 minute mark: Build up to a 1RM Push Press 8:00 minute mark: Build up to a 1RM Jerk (stop at 12:00 minute mark) B. Masters and Teen CF Games WOD: “The Sandwich” For Time: 80 calorie row 40 shoulder to overhead 155/105 (50-54 135/95, 55+ 115/75) 80 deadlift 155/105 (50-54 135/95, 55+ 115/75) C. Overhead Development: 5 snatch grip back rack strict press 5 snatch grip back rack strict press at 1/4 squat 5 snatch grip back rack strict press at 1/2 squat 1 minute bottom of OHS with light weight/barbell Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week! 910-5 To place an order, click here. Orders due by noon on Friday.