Strict Press E2MOM
5 x 10 @ 50-60%
2 Rounds For Time: (20min cap)
40 Wallball Shots 20/14lbs to 10/9′ MRX 20/10 to 9′
4 Shoulder to Overhead 155/105 RX+ 205/135 MRX+ 115/75lbs
20 Box Jumps/Step-Ups
2 Split Jerks
10 Ring Dips RX+ Strict MRX Bar Dips
1 Shoulder to Overhead
Box Heights = 24/20″ RX+30/24 MRX 20/18″
Handstand Walk Development
10 SeeSaw KB/DB Strict Press
5 Wall Walks
10 Shoulder Taps Handstand on Wall
5 Attempts Handstand walk or 150ft Handstand Walk
100m Kettlebell Overhead Walk