WOD: A. OHS: 6 – 4 – 2 – 2 – 2 E3MOM B. “Adios Amigos” 12-9-6- reps for time of: snatch 135-155-185/95-105-125 (MRX 95-105-115/65-75-85) muscle-ups (MRX 12-9-6 pull-ups and bar dips) *athletes are responsible for bar weight changes each round* C. Core & Shoulder Development: 1 minute L-sit hold on rings, parallettes, or floor 100m double KB or DB OH walk 1 minute L-sit hang from pull-up bar or rings 100′ handstand walk or 1 minute handstand hold or 1 minute pike box hold Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. sept-19 To place an order, click here.