Power Clean Build Up E2MOM
8 – 4 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1
Team WOD
18min AMRAP:
P1 – 18 Calorie Row / P2 – 18 Calorie Bike or 300m Run
P1 & P2 – 18 Alternating Over the Bar Burpees
P1 & P2 – 9 Synchronized Cleans
* P1 / P2 Switch Row/Bike/Run Each Round*
Barbell = 155/105lbs RX+185/125 MRX 115/75
Team Core Development
18 High Plank Partner Alternating High Fives
1min Partner Back to Back Squat Hold
18 each Team Leg Throws / Lifts
18 Partner Back to Back Twisting WallBall Hand Offs
6+8 Rx+ (Row/Bike) w/Freeman
A. 135-165-305-225-245
B. 5+4 rx 🏃♂️🚣♂️ w/ Michael S.
C. 🎒
Alex and Sean are a dangerous duo
I think we were both feeling pretty sluggish without your spark, always appreciate the energy you bring Hal!
That’s a good team! 👯♀️♥️
TnG Power Cleans
5+13 rx+, row/run w/ Bailey 🥵
4 scaled with Kohana
a. 190
b. 5+13 RX+ (w/CJ) row/run
A. 245
B. 4 + 6 Rx with Matt “The Machine “ Miller !
A. 260
B. 5 + 18 rx+ ( with my Mandee of 14 years as of today ) ….24 years with our 10 years of dating
A. 135-155-185-225-250
B. 5+4 Rx (Row, Run) with Bradley, B-rad, Futch Daddy
A: 135(8)-155(4)-185(2)-215(2)-185-185
B: 4+(300m+2), RX+ solo, Run/Bike
5 rx w/ Alex