2 Push Press to 2 Split Jerk Clusters
E2MOM x 6min/3 sets
1 Push Press to 1 Split Jerk Clusters
E2MOM x 6min/3 sets
6min build up to a 1RM Split Jerk
“Smoke on the Rope” by DB
6 Rounds For Time: (18min cap)
200m Run/Row or 0.5k Bike
11 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 RX+165/115 MRX 85/60
2 RopeClimb 15’ MRX 2×10’ or 1×15’
Chest Development & Stretching
15 Band Pull-Aparts
30sec Butterfly Stretch x 2
15 DB/KB Bench Press
30sec Straddle Stretch X 2
1min Handstand Hold
30sec Chinese Splits Hold x 2
1min High Plank Hold
15 Band Pull-Aparts