WOD: A. Front Squat: 6 – 4 – 2 – 2 – max reps at 80% E2:30MOM B. Open WOD 11.6 7 minute ascending AMRAP of: 3 thrusters 100/65 3 chest to bar pull-ups 6 thrusters 100/65 6 chest to bar pull-ups 9 thrusters 100/65 9 chest to bar pull-ups 12,12,12…15,15,15…18,18,18…continue pattern until time expires Masters 55 years and older: 7 minute ascending AMRAP of: 3 thrusters 90/55 3 chest to bar pull-ups / chin over bar pull-ups 6 thrusters 90/55 6 chest to bar pull-ups / chin over bar pull-ups 9,9,9…12,12,12…continue pattern until time expires