5 x 5 Pause Back Squats E3MOM
*3sec pause in Bottom
Team WOD
16min AMRAP:
P1 = 12 Calorie Row or Assault Bike
P2 = 12 Kettlebell Sit-Ups
P1 & P2 = 6 Synchronized Toes to Bar
P1 & P2 = 12 Alternating Kettlebell Goblet Squats
P1 & P2 = 18 Synchronized Kettlebell Swings
P2 = 12 Calorie Row or Assault Bike
P1 = 12 Kettlebell Sit-UpsLoads = 24/16 RX+32/24 MRX 20/12
Flexibility & Pistol Development
2x30sec Pigeon/Swan/Piriformis Stretch
2x30sec Couch Stretch or Modified Couch
2x30sec Head to Floor Straddle Stretch
2 sets 10-30 Pistols or Pistol Progressions
2x15sec Back Bridge/Arch
Spend 5min on banded Shoulder Stretches