Push Press to Split Jerk Build-up E2MOM
3 to 1 / 3 to 1 / 2 to 1 / 2 to 1 / 1 to 1 / 1 to 1 / 1 to 1
3 Rounds For Time: (18min cap)
12 Kettlebell Goblet Strict Press RX+ Strict Handstand Push-Ups
600m Run/Row or 1.5k Bike
6 Shoulder to Overhead 155/105 RX+185/125 MRX 115/75lbs
18 WallBall Sit-ups RX+ WB GHD
Kettlebells = 24/16 RX+32/24 MRX 20/12 kgs
WallBalls = 20/14lbs MRX 20/10lbs
Handstand Walk & OH Development
10 Handstand Shoulder Taps Facing Wall
2 sets Handstand Walk 50’ (progressions etc.)
20 Band Pull-Aparts
100m Kettbell Overhead Walk
10 Reverse Rower Tucks
100m Overhead Plate Carry/Waiter Walk As Heavy As Possible
10 Reverse Rower Tucks
1 set Max Handstand Hold
The Dog is at it again! Junkyard holding it down for almost two decades. Justin is too smooth and he ain’t even tryin. He’s a CFHSV torchbearer and been around longer than most. Hes grown in how he approaches his day to day training and it’s served him well. He’s as fit as ever and able to pick and choose when he goes for a takedown and taps a WOD out. Keep setting the bar young man!
I miss JYD at 0600. We all do.
A. 135-145-155-165-185-205-225
B. 16:04 scaled life 🏃♂️ (32kg, 185, wbsu)
C. 📚
15:52 MRX,row
A. 135-145-155-165-175-skip-185
B. 13:20 RX bike
Justin! This man truly floats on bar muscle ups! He makes them look effortless, comes down, chalks, chews his gum and jumps right back up for another huge set! Justin is a CF veteran and knows exactly how to approach every WOD. Awesome athlete with an equally awesome family! Always fun to watch this guy throw down!
Scaled WOD:
12 Deadlifts @ 155
1.5k Bike
12 Russian KBS @ 24kg
18 T2B
A) 155-185-205-225-235-245-135
B) 12:36 Rx Row
A: 135, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215
B: 15:20. RX (run)
2+20 rx+ (row) finished wb ghds after cap
13:37 RX+ (Row)
A. 225
B. 12:44 (SHSPU, Row, 185, WB Sit Ups)
13:21 Rx+ SHSPU bike
A: 135-135-155-170-185-205-185
B: 11:28, RX (Bike)
Justin looking totally in control as usual. This guy has been a part of our community from the very beginning, and it’s awesome to see him still showing up consistently and putting in the work. He trains hard and smart and can still hit a home run when he feels like it. He’s best known for looking utterly calm amidst a brutal WOD, and still putting up a super impressive score. Lots of great memories through the years at CFHSV, and Justin has been there for almost all of them. Keep working, my friend.
A. 150
B. 17:57 RX+ (strict hspu, row)
A. 190
B. 14:41 RX+ (row)
Training (built up to just above WOD weight)
13:31 Rx+ (row)