Shoulder to Overhead Build-up E2MOM
3 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1
Team WOD
2min AMRAP:(1min P1 works; 2min P2 works)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95/65lbs RX+135/95 MRX 75/5
2min AMRAP: (1min P1; 2min P2)
Shoulder to Overhead
2min AMRAP: (1min P1; 2min P2)
Bar Facing Burpees
2min AMRAP: (1min P1; 2min P2)
Kettlebell Swings 24/20kgs RX+30/24 MRX 20/12
2min AMRAP: (1min P1; 2min P2)
Row or Bike for Calories
REST 2min
**REPEAT all of the above one more time for Total MAX Reps**
The AMRAPS are one straight after another until complete for the 2min Rest
Shoulder & Flexibility Development
25 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Shrugs
30sec each Stretch (Straddle, Couch Stretch, Scorpion, Lowerback/trunk Twist, Splits)
50 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Shrugs
30sec each Stretch (Straddle, Couch Stretch, Scorpion, Lowerback/trunk Twist, Splits)
25 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Shrugs

Join our CFHSV Team and get signed up today for the 2024 CrossFit OPEN!
Wow! Awesome!
Check out them youngsters!
A: 115(5)-125(5)-145(2)-155(2)-165(1)-165(1)
B: teamed up with The Batman himself, 419 reps Rx
C: complete
A: was all strict press
A. 155-185-205-225-245-255(x)
B. 390 rx+ w/ Brandi
C. 📚
2 PJ – 1 SJ: 195 & 225
1 PJ – 1 SJ: 240 & 255
1 SJ: 275 & 295(x)
465 rx (row)
Champ: 25/24-30/29-18/17-25/21-24/24
Duke: 24/23-28/24-17/16-25/25-21/20
Oh man… I simply couldn’t love these pictures more! Leo and Eli add so much personality and spunk to the Red team class! They are so sweet and absolutely sell out on every WOD! It’s hard to believe what these kids can do until you see it. They are great little athletes with very bright futures. Both of these little ones have awesome families and big shoes to fill, but I have no doubt that they will both be running circles around all of us one day! Big love to all my CrossFit Kids!!
A. Training
B. 225 (scaled S2O to HPC)
27 – 27 – 15 – 27 – 16
26 – 29 – 16 – 26 – 16
Thank you Crossfit Huntsville for having Crossfit Kids available, we absolutely love it!! The coaches are amazing and do a great job teaching and motivating the kids! Leo absolutely loves it each day!!
I want to have their energy when I grow up!
a) 165 PP – 195 PP – 205 PJ -235 PJ – 250 PJ – 260 SJ
b) 429 Rx 🚣♀️ w/ Doug
Doug: 20/19, 30/28, 12/9, 28/25, 21/17
Eugene: 23/21, 35/31, 13/13, 25/24, 15/20
280 Split Jerk
499 Rx+ (row) with Freeman
Strict press in strength
512 rx w/ MadDawg
A. Training
B. 256 rx
Split Jerk 155-165-185-205-225-245pr
512 Rx with Christian
Incredible Madison 💪🏼💪🏼Great job on the PR and the WOD !!!
Oh man! Leo and Eli showing out and representing CF Kids! Love being able to see these kids throw down regularly. Cant wait to see them continue to develop into little stud athletes and awesome little people ☺️
A. 180
B. 529 RX with Jason M
A. 245
B. 351 w/Zack !