Team Row or Assault Bike Races For Time: (P1) 30/25 cals – (P2) 30/25 cals – (P1) 25/20 cals – (P2) 25/20 cals- (P1) 20/15 cals – (P2) 20/15 cals – (P1) 15/12 cals – (P2) 15/12 cals *Only one rower/bike per team, one person working at a time. 5 min build up to WOD Deadlift weight Team WOD – 15 min AMRAP: Partner 1 – 15/12 calorie Row or Assault Bike Partner 2 – 9 Wallballs & 3 Deadlifts Wallballs = 20/14lbs 10/9′ MRX 20/10 Deadlifts = 275/185 RX+ 315/215 MRX 225/155 *Rules = P1 rows/bikes while P2 performs Wallballs and Deadlifts, then switch positions. Once both have completed row/bike and WBs/Deadlifts = 1 round. The CrossFit Games OPEN kicks off Thursday, February 22nd! Get signed up today and make sure you join the CrossFit Huntsville Team! If you plan on participating in The OPEN, or if you are interested but aren’t sure what The OPEN is all about, join us for an informational meeting Saturday, February 17th at 11AM.