Split Jerk Build Up E2MOM
3 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1
Team WOD
16min AMRAP:
P1 – 3 Wall Walks / P2 – Handstand Hold
P2 – 3 Wall Walks / P1 – Handstand Hold
9 Synchronized Deadlifts
12 Alternating Over the Bar Burpees
6 Synchronized Split Jerks
Barbell Loads = 115/75lbs RX+135/95 MRX 95/65
*can hold handstand hold forward or backward, but chest much touch forward facing*
Core/Handstand Development
1min HandStand / High Plank Shoulder Taps
2×12 Evil Wheels
50′ Handstand Walk or Partner Wheelbarrow Walk
2x1min Max Distance Handstand Walk or Bear Crawl
7+0 Rx+ w/Kyle F
A. 245 (started heavy w/ Kyle F & Brent but bailed)
B. 5+11 rx w/ Michael S (aka birthday boy)
C. 🎒
A. 145-165-185-205-230-250X
B. 5 Rx+ with Carolyn
a) 115(3)-145(2)-175(2)-195(1)-245(1)-255(1)
b) 3+1 Rx solo
4+9 scaled with Kohana
5+19 RX+ with my Lewie
– Claudia 😂
A. 280
B. 6 + 12 RX+ w/ Bradley
A. 115-135-175-185-205-225 (two inch drop with an unconvincing attempt and dropped it)
B. 4 Rx
7+2 RX+ with John Hand
A: 135(3)-165(2)-190(2)-215-240-205
B: 5+19, scaled/solo/135#
(20 BarbellPups+9 DL+6 OBBurp+6 SJ)
Correction, 5+29
built up to 185
5 rx, team crip w/ Dylan. Between his healthy upper half and my healthy lower half we chipped away at it today