Tempo Back Squat E3MOM
5 Sets X 3-6 Reps @ 50-75%
**3sec Down – 2sec Hold/Isometric Squeeze – 1sec Explode up – 2sec Reset**
13min AMRAP:
13 Kettlebell Swings
39 Double Unders
7 Kettlebell Goblet Thrusters
6 Bar Muscle Ups RX+ Ring Muscle Ups MRX Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Kettlebells = 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24 MRX 20/12kgs
Core & Pistol Development
13 Pistols Each Leg or 13 Scaled Pistols
39 Crunches
13 Reverse Lunges w/2 Kettlebells in Front Rack
26 Kettlebell Goblet Sit-up to Goblet Press
13 Kettlebell Overhead Lunges
13 Feet Clap Over the Bar
CFHSV Holiday Schedule!
Monday, December 23rd: Regular Schedule — CFHSV Annual “12 Days of Christmas” WOD!
Tuesday, December 24th: Three classes only at 7am, 8am and 9am (no childcare today)
Wednesday, December 25th: Closed. Merry Christmas, CFHSV!
Thursday, December 26th: Three classes only at 8am, 9am and 10am (no childcare today)
2 + 61 rx+
3+20 scaled bar mus to strict pullups
185-195-205-215-225 for 3 across
3+62 rx
A. 205 across
B. 3+62 Rx
185 across for 3
4+23 rx
4+61 Rx+
A. 4x 3 tempo @ 275
B. 5 + 12 (32kg / RMU)
Scaled Dubs to 7 Cal Echo Bike
A. Tempo Front Squats — 4 reps @ 125lb
B. 6+6 RX
A: 185(5)-195(5)-205(5)-215(5)-225(5)
B: 5 rds, scaled
(All rx, but 6 strict pull-ups + 6 strict ring dips ILO MUs)
A. 105 across
B. 3+60 rx