Strict Press Build Up E3MOM
5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
Team WOD:
For Time: (18min cap)
P1 – Run 800m / P2 – Row 800m/2k Bike
80 Deadlifts 95/65lbs RX+115/75 MRX 75/55lbs
P2 – Run 600m / P1 – Row 600m/1.5k Bike
60 Hang Cleans
P1 – Run 400m – P2 – Row 400m/1k Bike
40 Shoulder to Overhead
P2 – Run 200m – P1 – Row 200m/0.5k Bike
20 Ground to Overhead
**One Athlete must be in the High Plank Position, while other athlete completes reps. Can’t start until in plank. Athletes can share reps/split up as they wish.
Handstand Walk & OH Development
10 Handstand Shoulder Taps Facing Wall
2 sets Handstand Walk 50’ (progressions etc.)
20 Band Pull-Aparts
100m Kettlebell Overhead Walk
20 GHD Sit-ups
100m Overhead Plate Carry/Waiter Walk As Heavy As Possible
20 Leg Lifts Side to Side / Left to Right Over the Kettlebell
1 set Max Handstand Hold
Awesome athlete!
A – 165
B – 3 + 0 Rx ; with Tyler
C- no thx
Solid workout partner!
Susan! Awesome athlete who has the grit to get to get through any workout! Great to have her at 6am!
A) 115 – 125 – 145 – 160 – 165
b) 3+7 Rx (Solo, Run-Row)
2+18 with Kohana
17:43 rx with Misty 🤜🏼🤛🏼
That’s my sweet, strong, amazing friend, and I am so thankful to have her in my life. She motivates me in the gym and in all aspects of life! ♥️💪🏼
A. Training – 95 across
B. 17:41 rx+ with Kyle Robinson and Christian
Mr. Robinson handled that barbell for us
Suzanne is a great friend, always checking on people in her circle, willing to help solve any problem, ready to go anywhere, and lots of fun to talk to. I so appreciate the days when our paths cross 💛 Oh and she also makes kb lunges look like a walk in the park 💪
3 rds, Rx, solo, bike/run
115-135-145-160-170(3 and a little 🤷♂️)
15:13 Rx+ with Bailey and Griff
A. 115-135-145-160-170
B. 15:13 rx+ with Alex and Bailey
185, then hit some Lu Raises after to celebrate weightlifting starting in Olympics today
17:35 RX with AJ who asked if he could do the long run. Wat da f, that boy crazy as heck
3+1 rx+ w/ Adam and Abby trio.
2 of us went rx+ and one scaled, you decide.
18:09 Rx….
A: 95-115-130-140-150
B: 13:51, Solo (115#, Run/Bike, Reps 40-30-20-10)