Main Site WOD (RX+portion)
3 Rounds For Time:
20 Front Squats 155/105 RX+ 185/125 MRX 115/75
7 Muscle-Ups (ring or bar) MRX Burpee Chest to Bar
Flexibility and Pistol Development
2x30sec Couch Stretch or Modified Couch
2x30sec Head to Floor Straddle Stretch
10 Pistols (each leg) or 10 Pistols to a Box or 10 Pistol Progressions (each leg)
2x 30sec Banded Shoulder Stretches
2x 30sec Pigeon/Swan/Piriformis Stretch
10 Pistols (each leg) or 10 Pistols to a Box or 10 Pistol Progressions (each leg)