Clean & Jerk Build-Up E2MOM
4 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 1 – 1
“Huff, Puff, Blow & Go” by DB
For Time: (20min cap)
4 Ground to Overhead 155/105 RX+185/125 MRX 115/75
20 Barbell Push-Ups MRX Push-ups
4 Ground to Overhead
20 Calorie Row / Bike or 4 Over the Bar Burpees & 200m Run
4 Ground to Overhead
20 Pull-ups RX+ Chest to Bar MRX Ring Rows
4 Ground to Overhead
20 Calorie Row / Bike or 4 Over the Bar Burpees & 200m Run
4 Ground to Overhead
20 WallBall Shots 20/14lbs to 10/9’ MRX 20/10lbs to 9’
4 Ground to Overhead
20 Calorie Row / Bike or 4 Over the Bar Burpees & 200m Run
4 Ground to Overhead
20 Over the Bar Burpees
Handstand & Core Development
4 Wall Walks (with 20sec hold at top)
20 GHD Sit-Ups (with 4sec hold at top)
4 Wall Walks (with 20sec hold at top)
20 Hip Extensions (with 4sec hold at top)