Warm-up: 1 Minute of single unders Group samson stretch Then: 3 Rounds 20 Double-under attempts 8 Ring rows 10 Second handstand hold Workout: 50 thrusters 65/45# 50 Pull ups 30 Thrusters 30 Pull ups 20 Thrusters 20 Pull ups Post time to comments. Powerlifting: A1: Push-press 4 x 2-3 @21×1; Rest 2:00 A2: Muscle-up 4 x AMRAP -3; Rest 2:00 B: Split Jerk- Work up to a heavy single; Rest as needed between efforts C1: False grip pull-ups 3 x 5 @3131; Rest 1:00 seconds C2: Dumbbell bent over row 3 x 12-15/arm; Rest 1:00 “Being the Greatest Left-Handed Arm Wrestler of All Time” by Sevan Matossian, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] “How To Build A Garage Gym Rogue Style” – video [wmv] [mov]