Warm-up: 200 Meter run Teams of 2 complete the following: 100 Single unders 50 kettlebell swings 200 Meter run Workout: Five rounds for time of: 75 pound Push press, 25 reps 50 Double-unders Post time to comments. Powerlifting: A. Push Press. Push Jerk. Split Jerk. 1.2.3. x 3 sets; Rest 5:00 B. Strict Press 4 x 3 reps @30×0; Rest 3:00 C1. Kettlebell push ups 4 x 20 reps; Rest 1:00 C2. L Pull-ups 4 x 10 reps @21×1; Rest 1:00 WOD Demo with MM CrossFit – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]