Warm-up: 10 minutes of sprint and agility drills Workout: Five rounds for time of: Sprint 100 meters 25 Push-ups Cool-down: Instructor led group stretch Go-Heavy: Snatch Pulls 5×5 @ 110% Clean Pulls 5×3 @ 105%
Warm-up: 10 minutes of sprint and agility drills Workout: Five rounds for time of: Sprint 100 meters 25 Push-ups Cool-down: Instructor led group stretch Go-Heavy: Snatch Pulls 5×5 @ 110% Clean Pulls 5×3 @ 105%
3050 Leeman Ferry Rd, Huntsville, Alabama 35801
(256) 408-5990
3050 Leeman Ferry Rd, Huntsville, Alabama 35801
(256) 408-5990