WOD: A. Spend 15 minutes working on mobility and rope climb and KBS technique. B. Complete the following for time of: 10 KBS 24kg/16kg (scale up 32kg/24kg) 20 double unders 1 rope climb (scale up legless) 15 KBS 24kg/16kg (scale up 32kg/24kg) 30 double unders 2 rope climbs (scale up legless) 20 KBS 24kg/16kg (scale up 32kg/24kg) 40 double unders 3 rope climbs (scale up legless) 25 KBS 24kg/16kg (scale up 32kg/24kg) 50 double unders 4 rope climbs (scale up legless) CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 4 x 200m, progressively getting faster each 200 until the last 200m is an all out sprint 200m easy jog for rest, no walking allowed rest 3 minutes, then 1600m run time trial (compare to 7/16/13)