10min Cluster Build Up
4 Deadlifts to 3 Hang Power Cleans to 2 Front Squats to 1 Shoulder to Overhead
“Maintain the Momentum 2” by DB
2 Rounds For Time:
7 DeadLifts 135/95 RX+ 155/105 MRX 95/65
3 Over Bar Burpees
7 Hang Power Clean
3 Over Bar Burpees
7 Front Squats
3 Over Bar Burpees
7 Shoulder to Overhead
400m Row or Run or 1km Assault Bike
Rest 3min
2 Rounds For Time: (Repeat Above)
*Score is slowest 2 Rounds For Time*
Core Development
10 Kang Squats
15 Evil Wheels
30 Banded Hip Extensions