WOD: A. Strength Super Sets E3MOM: deadlift 5, back squat 5, deadlift 4 ,back squat 4, deadlift 3, back squat 3, deadlift 3, back squat 3 B. Double under or single under sprint training: 1 minute max reps double or single unders rest 1 minute 45 seconds max reps double or single unders rest 45 seconds 30 second max double or single unders rest 2 minutes 100 double unders or 200 single unders for time Score = total double unders or single unders for 3 sprint sets and time for the 100 or 200 CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 6 rounds of: sprint 200m, 11 burpees E2MOM rest 5 minutes, then 15 rounds of: 100m sprints EMOM meet at Randolph track at 6pm