Bench Press & Dips E3MOM 10 Bench Press & 10 Dips 7 Bench Press & 7 Dips 5 Bench Press & 5 Dips 3 Bench Press & 3 Dips For Time: Run or Row 800m or 2km Assault Bike 21 Hand Stand Push-Ups 15 Hand Release Push-Ups RX+ Feet on Wall Ball 9 Dips RX+ Ring Muscle-Up into Run or Row 600m or 1.5km Assault Bike 21 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75 RX+ 135/95 MRX 85/60 15 Barbell Push-Ups 9 Dips RX+ Ring Muscle-Up into Run or Row 400m or 1km Assault Bike 21 WallBall Shots 20/14 to 10/9′ RX+11/10 MRX 20/10 to 9′ 15 Bar Facing Burpees 9 Shoulder to Overhead or Hand Stand Push-Ups Core, Shoulder & Handstand Development 2 sets 15 reps Barbell Sit-up to Press 2 sets Handstand Walk 50′ 1 set Max Handstand Hold (wall facing)