WOD: Two WODs, each for time of: Begin at the 0:00 minute mark: 21-15-9 reps for time of: OHS 95/65 RX+ 115/80 (55 and over 75/55) Toes-to-bar Begin at the 12:00 minute mark: 21-15-9 reps for time of: Goblet Squats 24kg/16kg RX+ 32kg/24kg KBS 24kg/16kg RX+ 32kg/24kg Score = both times listed individually REMINDER: Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule!Wednesday, November 26: We WILL have class at 6am, 7am, 815am, 915am and 1130am. The 5am and all afternoon classes are canceled.Thursday, November 27: all classes are canceled. Happy Thanksgiving!Friday, November 28: Annual Iron Bowl/College Game Day WOD! Kickoff at 10am.All other classes are canceled.Saturday, November 29: We WILL have class at 8am, 9am and 10am. Running & Endurance and BBOLC are canceled.Sunday, November 30: We WILL have class at 3pm and 4pm. BBOLC is canceled.