WOD: A. Strict Press to Push Press to Jerk: E3MOM x 3 sets Perform strict press until failure, straight to push press until failure, straight to jerk until failure. B. TEAM WOD: 18 minute AMRAP of: 2 athletes working at the same time, Athlete 1: 6 bar facing burpees Athlete 2: 12 shoulder to overhead 95/65 RX+ 135/95 (MRX 75/55) once both athletes have completed these reps, switch, and working at the same time, Athlete 1: 12 shoulder to overhead 95/65 RX+ 135/95 (MRX 75/55) Athlete 2: 6 bar facing burpees once both athletes have completed these reps, work at the same time to complete 120′ buddy bear crawl RX+ 30′ handstand walk 2 athletes working at the same time, Athlete 1: 30 double unders Athlete 2: 12 pull-ups RX+ chest to bar once both athletes have completed these reps, switch, and working at the same time, Athlete 1: 12 pull-ups RX+ chest to bar Athlete 2: 30 double unders Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. nov-21 To place an order, click here!