Marine Corps Birthday Celebration WOD: Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test Event 1: pull-up or flexed arm hang Event 2: 2 minutes max crunches Event 3: 3 mile run for time rest 3-5 minutes, then CFHSV Extra Celebration for Marines! 2 minutes max reps hand release push-ups rest 2 minutes 2 minute max reps toes to bar rest 2 minutes Max high plank hold for time REMINDER: CrossFit Kids trial classes this Tuesday and Thursday! $5 per child per class. Please fill out this CFK waiver pdf and send with your child. We ask all parents to walk their children in through the East door to the CFKids gym. There will be a designated area for them to wait until it is time for their class to start. If the parent is attending an adult CrossFit class, children may be signed into childcare and/or the tween room and wait there until their class starts. Ages 3-5: 3:45pm-4:10pm Ages 6-9: 4:15PM-5PM Ages 10-15: 5PM-6PM Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. Nov16 To place an order, click here!