Sumo-Deadlift Build Up 5 x 4 E3MOM
For Time: (21min cap)
21 Sumo Deadlits 315/205 MRX 225/145
9 Ring Muscle-Ups MRX Bar Muscle-Ups
21 Calorie Row or Bike
15 Sumo Deadlifts
6 Ring Muslce-Ups MRX Bar Muscle-Ups
15 Calorie Row or Bike
9 Sumo Deadlifts
3 Ring Muscle-Ups MRX Bar Muscle-Ups
9 Calorie Row or Bike
Core & Grip Development
15 Wallball Hug Hip Extensions
100m KB/DB Right Arm Farmers Carry
15 Russian Twists
100m KB/DB Left Arm Farmers Carry
15 Russian Twists
15 Wallball Hug Hip Extensions
A. 225-275-315-345-375
B. 16:41 scaled life 🚣♂️ (burpee c2b)
C. Complete
Traditional deadlifts:
17:53 scaled to traditional deadlifts at 255
Andy has one speed and no brakes! He’s been a positive hard working addition to CFHSV and any class he’s in. Gym got better after his first class. Keep up the awesome work dude!
A. 325
B. 12:23 rx
a) 225-275-295-315-385
b: 17:38 Rx
A. 215-265-305-355-375
B. 14:52 Rx row
305 (4)
14:52 scaled to 5/4/3 RMU
315(4)-325(4)-365(4)-385(2) back popped, so I stopped..
12:36 scaled weight to 225#. rmu and row
Sumo DL Training 5×4: 225-275-315-315-315
7:26 Rx (Row)
Andy! Scaling that rope with his eyes on the prize! Andy has made himself at home since walking through the door and he always has a smile and kind word for those around him. He’s a great athlete and just keeps getting better. Andy, Keep showing up and getting the job done!
A. 125 – 195 – 215 – 235 – 245
B. 15:27 bike (scaled to bar muscle ups)
A. Sumo Deadlift: 225×4, 315×4, 365×4, 405×4
B. 13:54 scaled
405 (4)
14:17 RX row
8:11 Rx