WOD: A. Power or Squat Clean to 5 Front Squats and 1 Jerk E2:30MOM B. Complete the following for time of: 10 shoulder press 115/85 15 OHS 115/85 20 push press 115/85 25 front squats 115/85 30 push jerk 115/85 35 back squats 115/85 **These are exactly what they say for shoulder press, push press, and push jerk. It is not just shoulder to overhead.* REMINDERS:This Saturday, June 21st: Monthly Nutrition Class, 10am. Free to all members!This Saturday, June 21st: Pull-Up Workshop, 11am-12pm. Counts as a regular visit for Silver and Gold, $15 for Bronze Members. Come master your kipping and/or butterfly pull-ups! Open to all levels.