WOD: A. Cluster: In 10 minutes build up to a 1RM power snatch followed by 1 squat clean B. B. Spend 10 minutes working on and setting up muscle-up area or strict pull-up area C. 10 rounds with a 12 minute running clock of: 3 power snatch 135/95 3 squat cleans 135/95 With the remaining time, perform max reps muscle ups or max reps strict pull-ups Score = total muscle-ups or strict pull-ups completed, or total rounds plus reps completed A BIG Congratulations to CrossFit Huntsville’s very own Dennis Berry who placed 7th in the WORLD at the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games for Masters Men 45-49. Dennis, we are all so proud to call you our coach, our fellow athlete, and our friend. You were a fierce competitor, the epitome of good sportsmanship, and even in the midst of competition, a stellar coach to those around you. The example you set in the box each day is inspiring to us all, and there is no one more deserving than you of this amazing accomplishment! Your years of hard work, determination, perseverance, and dedication were on full display in that hot California sun! Awesome work Coach!!