Front Squat Build Up E3MOM
10 – 10 – 5 – 5 – 5
15 Minute AMRAP:
10 Front Rack Lunges
15 Box Jumps 24/20″ RX+ 30/24″ MRX 20/18″ or 50 Double Unders
5 Front Squats
1 Rope Climb 15′ RX+ 1 legless MRX 10′
Core & Leg Development
20 Double KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
20 Seated Box Jumps
20 Pistols or Pistol Scales (16 each leg)
20 Hip Extensions
1 minute wall Iron Chair Sit Holding 25/15/10lb plate
I love this workout!!!
A. 185-205-225-235-245
B. 4 scaled life (115, 30” step ups, c2b)
C. 🎒
A. Completed as prescribed
B. 6 + 61 rx+ with double unders
Slick Rick looking like a super hero! Rick is a natural athlete and an impressive list of accomplishments in the fitness world. He’s strong as an ox, kind to all, and looks like he belongs in a box office Hollywood movie. Always enjoy seeing Rick. He’s a class act and represents all the good things about CFHSV. Keep up the grind stud!
A. 185-205-225-235-245(3)
B. 5+20 Rx box jumps
Great pic of Rick! He always trains smart and hard. Prime example of a genuinely kind person. Greeting everyone and making everyone feel welcome and a part of CFHSV. Keep up the awesome work!!
4+25 RX+ (First time doing legless rope climbs in a WOD).
Wow, LJ… Way to go!
4+25 rx box jump
That man Rick is built like no other! Beast of an athlete, especially at his age. Hopefully I look that swole one day! Rumor has it, they asked him to play Maverick in the latest Top Gun movie but he had to turn it down so they gave it to some guy named Tom.
165(10) – 215(10) – 255(5)
285(5) – 315(5)
4+25 RX+ (Box Jumps)
A. 165(10)-185(10)-205(5)-225(5)-235(5)
B. 4+65 RX+ DU (failed last legless)
5+45 rx+ dubs
7+53 Rx+ DU
Rick goes about his fitness the right way by habitually training hard, but smart. He’s suave, sincere, and a pleasure to have in the CFHSV community!
6+0 Rx+ (DU)
a) 115-145-205-235-275
b) 3+30 Rx+ DUs (missed 4th legless rope climb by 1ft, did 7 lunges but didn’t count them)
Rick! This man had NO problem at all carrying that bell through the parking lot! He is STRONG! Even more impressive is how kind he is! I always enjoy talking to Rick and he is a regular on Sundays. This guy isn’t scared of any Hero WOD! Keep showing up to lead the Sunday crew!
Rick looking like a total stud. This man knows how to work hard and he knows how to train smart. He goes about things the right way, and it always kind, friendly and encouraging to others. He adds a special energy to any class he attends, and he’s as genuine and real as they come. He’s got a long history in the fitness world, and it’s so impressive to see him stay the course and keep his health and fitness a priority. Keep after it, Rick!!
A. 105(10) – 125(10) – 145(5) – 165(5) – 185(5)
B. 5+60 RX+ (DUs)
A: 155(10)-185(10)-205(5)-225(5)-205(5)
B: 5 rds, Scaled (115#/DUs/10pull-ups per RC)