Tuesday, January 30 2024

For time: (25min cap)

100 Sit-ups (anchored)

200m Run/Row or 0.5k Bike

20 Handstand Push-Ups RX+ Strict MRX 2/4” Rise

400m Run/Row or 1k Bike

40 Dips (bar) RX+ Rings Strict MRX Parallette

800m Run/Row or 2k Bike

80 Push-ups RX+ Hand Release Push-Ups

100 Double Unders

16 thoughts on “Tuesday, January 30 2024”

  1. Heck yeah! Young Amya is always showing up early and always showing out too. This young lady is a stellar athlete who is hard working, motivated and determined. She has beautiful form and technique and is another shining example of a CrossFit Kid graduating to the “big gym” and showing all the adults just how it’s supposed to be done. She’s got a quiet way about her in the gym, but she holds her own in every way and knows how to work. Keep after it, young stud 🙂

  2. Check out Amya with that perfect wb shot – that’s awesome , girl!

    3+20 bike, scaled to 14 HSPU w/3″ rise (no-repped next two so moved on)

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