Bench Press Build-up E3MOM
20 – 15 – 10 – 5 – 1
For time: (25min cap)
100 Sit-ups (anchored)
200m Run/Row or 0.5k Bike
20 Handstand Push-Ups RX+ Strict MRX 2/4” Rise
400m Run/Row or 1k Bike
40 Dips (bar) RX+ Rings Strict MRX Parallette
800m Run/Row or 2k Bike
80 Push-ups RX+ Hand Release Push-Ups
100 Double Unders
Chest & Core Development
20 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Bench Press
20 Evil Wheels
20 Banded Push-Ups
20 Band Pull-Aparts
20 Dumbbell/Kettlebell SeeSaw Bench Press
10 Clapping Push-ups
Heck yeah! Young Amya is always showing up early and always showing out too. This young lady is a stellar athlete who is hard working, motivated and determined. She has beautiful form and technique and is another shining example of a CrossFit Kid graduating to the “big gym” and showing all the adults just how it’s supposed to be done. She’s got a quiet way about her in the gym, but she holds her own in every way and knows how to work. Keep after it, young stud
Check out Amya with that perfect wb shot – that’s awesome , girl!
3+20 bike, scaled to 14 HSPU w/3″ rise (no-repped next two so moved on)
3+65 rx (row/rmu) finished at 28:24
Ring dips*
and bike*
50 push ups
A. 135-145-165-185-225
B. 3+60 scaled life (ww,
24:46 rx run
A. 75(20) – 95(15) – 110(10) – 125(5) – 150(1)
B. 23:15 RX+ row
a) 115(20)-145(15) – 160 (10)-205(5)-230(1)
b) 23:58 Rx
135(20) – 165(15) – 225(10)
255(5) – 275(1) – 300(1)
22:14 RX+ ( row )
19:58 rx+ row
22:52 rx+ run
22:08 Rx+ (Run)
21:25 Rx+ run