Deadlift Build-Up E2MOM
3 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1
“The OX ” by DB
10 Rounds For Time: (30min cap)
2 Deadlift 315/215 MRX 255/165
4 Over the Bar Burpees
6 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups MRX Pull-Ups
12 Barbell Push-Ups MRX Push-Ups
24 Double Unders
Curls & Stretching
2 x 20 Bottom’s Up KB Curls
20sec each Stretch (Straddle, Couch Stretch, Scorpion, Lowerback/trunk Twist, Splits)
2 x 20 Barbell Curls
20sec each Stretch (Straddle, Couch Stretch, Scorpion, Lowerback/trunk Twist, Splits)