WOD: E5MOM x 3 1st 5 minute: max set unbroken pull-ups 2nd 5 minute: max set unbroken box jumps 3rd 5 minute: max set unbroken WBS 20/14 10’/9′ *athletes rest in between events once they have completed the movement* B. 12 minute AMRAP of: 10 pull-ups 10 box jumps 24″/20″ 10 WBS 20/14 10’/9′ (55 and over 20/10 9′) C. Core Development 1 minute L-si hold on rings or dip bars 25 GHD sit-ups or 25 Military ab-0mat sit-ups 1:30 high plank hold Friday Night FIGHT WOD!BLACK: 15 minute AMRAP of:6 power clean 165/115 — 6 over the bar lateral burpees — 6 toes to bar9 power clean 165/115 — 6 over the bar lateral burpees — 9 toes to bar12 power clean 165/115 — 6 over the bar lateral burpees — 12 toes to bar15 WBS 20/14 10’/9′BLUE: 15 minute AMRAP of:6 power clean 115/80 — 6 over the bar lateral burpees — 6 hanging knee raises (OPEN standard)9 power clean 115/80 — 6 over the bar lateral burpees — 9 hanging knee raises (OPEN standard)12 power clean 115/80 — 6 over the bar lateral burpees — 12 hanging knee raises (OPEN standard)15 WBS 20/10 9′RED (Masters 55+): 15 minute AMRAP of:6 power clean 105/65 — 6 over the bar lateral burpees — 6 toes to bar9 power clean 105/65 — 6 over the bar lateral burpees — 9 toes to bar12 power clean 105/65 — 6 over the bar lateral burpees — 12 toes to bar15 WBS 20/10 9′This Friday, February 12th at 515pm! Choose your skill level, sign up on MBO, then show up ready to THROW DOWN!Our regular 515pm and 615pm classes are canceled on Friday. Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. FEb 15 To place an order, click here! YOGA is canceled today.