Back Squat Build-up E3MOM
10 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 1
5 Rounds For Time: (21min cap)
21 Back Squats 95/65 RX+115/75 MRX 75/55
15 T2B or wallball sit-ups
10/9 Calorie Row/Bike or 200m Run
Rest 1min after Each Round
Core & Squat Development
20 KB/DB/BB Lunges (alternating/unbroken)
20 KB/DB/BB Sit-Up to Press
20 Pistols or Scales (alt legs)
20 Evil Wheels or Barbell Rollouts
1min Wall Iron Chair Sit Holding 25/15lb plate

That’s a great man sitting right there not just an elite athlete !! Life is a long journey not a sprint with many trials and tribulations ! Paul has the faith and strength to overcome any adversity !Speedy recovery my brother.
Duke- Getting his mind right. Then he’s going on a bearhunt!
Big Duke 6 thinking about The Open
A. 135-225-255-275-325
B. 15:50 rx 🚣♂️
C. 📚
Duke too rough. He’s the perfect husband, father, grandfather, training partner and friend. I appreciate him more than I can put in words.
15:30 rx (row & T2B)
(1:48, 1:54, 2:08, 2:48, 2:42)
Pauline getting his game plan for the farm. Gotta protect them crops, cattle, and land from all those pesky varmints. Paul is pro at whatever he decides to spend his time doin. Yall shoulda seen him give me a root canal with no anesthesia, an axe, and philips-head screw driver. Didn’t feel a thing and I ate jolly-ranchers the whole way home. Thanks Paul!
12:13 Rx+ (T2B, row)
15:56 RX+
T2B run
Duke! I wanna be like him when I grow up!
a) 135(10)-185(5)-315(3)-345(2)-365(1) – 400(1) Pr
b) 15:57 Rx (T2B & 🏍 🚵♀️)
(1:44, 2:05, 2:26, 2:45, 2:57)
16:09 rx (t2b, row)
A. 320 PR
B. 17:20 Rx+ (run, TTB)
Paul getting that mind right. Hardest part of this sport! Keep killing it big dawg!
A. 405 PR
B. 12:17 RX+ ( T2B / ROW )
Paul the athlete is amazing but I think Paul would tell you it’s his family that makes him most proud. An upstanding, kind, quality guy and a beautiful wife and family that follows suit. Love them all!! He is only as strong as his support. And he has got it. Not just with his immediate family but his CFHSV family too. Prayers for a quick healing and recovery. It won’t be long until you’re back doing “Duke” things again.
A. 255
B. 16:30 RX
13:49 RX+ (row/T2B)
A. 135 x 20, 225 x 5, 315 x 3, 365 x 2, 405 x 1
425 x 1
B. 16:26 Rx
135 x 10 😂😂
The man, the myth, the legend…. This is him. Can’t think of anyone more kind, dedicated, honest …. They don’t make them like him anymore. Proud I get to throw down with him on a daily basis and watch him put in work. I’m constantly amazed at what he is able to do. He’s not only physically strong, but he’s mentally strong as well. He has an amazing family that supports him every step of the way and that makes a big impact on him. Honored to call this man my friend!
A. 135 x 10, 225 x 5, 315 x 3, 365 x 2, 405 x 1
425 x 1
B. 16:26 Rx
A. 95-135-185-205-230 (front squat from the floor)
B. 16:19 Scaled 15 FS-21WBSU-Run
225×8 across
17:40 scaled
I sure do love that man right there. He’s one of a kind, and his family has become our family over the years. He’s an incredible athlete, and I am grateful for our training days together and those still to come. Forever grateful the Duke found CFHSV so many years ago 💛
A. Front squat — 210
B. 14:43 scaled to front squats, RX+ weight, T2B, row