WOD: Complete the following for time in any order or rep scheme desired: 2000m run or 2500m row 50 HSPU or 75 hand-release push-ups 50 T2B or 75 V-ups to war bar/PVC 50 GHD sit-ups or 75 an-mat anchored sit-ups 50 C2B pull-ups or 75 pull-ups
WOD: Complete the following for time in any order or rep scheme desired: 2000m run or 2500m row 50 HSPU or 75 hand-release push-ups 50 T2B or 75 V-ups to war bar/PVC 50 GHD sit-ups or 75 an-mat anchored sit-ups 50 C2B pull-ups or 75 pull-ups